Partners in Education

We are so Grateful for our Superstar Partners!

Eastridge Church - South Campus has partnered with Heard Mixon to create a food bank for families in need at HMES. Our goal is to support 50 families this year with food items. The Eastridge family filled our food bank this past Sunday. We will be able to support over 35 families based on the gracious donations given this past Sunday.

Eastridge has also agreed to be a part of our Superstar Volunteers along with Spectacular Eyecare, High Point Baptist Church and Stewart Community Church .

Members of Eastridge Church South Campus and Dr. Brown, Principal of Heard Mixon at the new Heard Mixon food bank

A Bridge Project : James and Rene Powell

A Bridge Project : James and Rene Powell
A Bridge Project : James and Rene Powell

McDonald’s Covington Bypass Rd

McDonald’s Covington Bypass Rd

Our Partner in Education, Biddy's with Principal Angelia Cameron and Assistant Principal Plachette Lewis

Our Partner in Education, Eastridge Church  with Principal Angelia Cameron and Assistant Principal Plachette Lewis
Eastridge Church

Our Partner in Education, Kwik Change with Principal Angelia Cameron and Assistant Principal Plachette Lewis
Kwik Change

Church 213